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This terminology is a snapshot as of . Terminologies may evolve over time. If you need recent (dynamic) versions of this terminology, please retrieve it from the source.
Id2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.3Effective Date2024‑08‑02 09:21:05
Canonical URIhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ips/ValueSet/allergy-reaction-uv-ips
StatusKyellow.png DraftVersion Label
NameIPSAllergyReactionDisplay NameIPS Allergy Reaction

IPS Allergy Reaction Value Set.

CopyrightLicensing note: This artefact includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/getsnomed-ct or info@snomed.org.
This artefact includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/getsnomed-ct or info@snomed.org.
Usage: 1
hl7ips-entry-template-6IPS Reaction Manifestation (STU2) DYNAMIC
Source Code System
2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 - SNOMED Clinical Terms - FHIR: http://snomed.info/sct - HL7 V2: SCT
Level/ TypeCodeIntensional DefinitionCode System
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 4386001 Bronchospasm (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 9826008 Conjunctivitis (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 23924001 Pressure in chest (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 24079001 Atopic dermatitis (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 31996006 Vasculitis (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 39579001 Anaphylaxis (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 41291007 Angioedema (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 43116000 Eczema (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 49727002 Cough (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 51599000 Edema of larynx (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 62315008 Diarrhea (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 70076002 Rhinitis (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 73442001 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 76067001 Sneezing (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 91175000 Seizure (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 126485001 Urticaria (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 162290004 Dry eyes (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 195967001 Airway hyperreactivity (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 247472004 Weal (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 267036007 Dyspnea (findingSNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 271757001 Papular eruption (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 271759003 Bullous eruption (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 271807003 Eruption (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 410430005 Cardiorespiratory arrest (disorder)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 418363000 Itching of skin (findingSNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 422400008 Vomiting (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 422587007 Nausea (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 698247007 Arrhythmia (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 702809001 DRESS syndrome (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 768962006 Lyell syndrome (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms
Circleplus.png Include
code and descendants 781682005 Bloodshot eye (finding)SNOMED Clinical Terms

Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavor OTH (other) suggests text in originalText. HL7 V3: NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.