Id | | Effective Date | 2018‑02‑07 12:04:21 |
Status | Draft | Version Label | |
Name | IPSAllergyVerificationStatus | Display Name | IPS Allergy Verification Status |
Source Code System | |
Level/ Type | Code | Display Name | Code System | Description |
0‑S | unconfirmed | Unconfirmed | AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatus | There is not sufficient diagnostic and/or clinical evidence to treat this as a confirmed condition. | 0‑L | confirmed | Confirmed | AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatus | A high level of certainty about the propensity for a reaction to the identified substance, which may include clinical evidence by testing or rechallenge. | 0‑L | refuted | Refuted | AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatus | A propensity for a reaction to the identified substance has been disproven with a high level of clinical certainty, which may include testing or rechallenge, and is refuted. |
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code. NullFlavor OTH (other) suggests text in originalText. |