Item | DT | Card | Conf | Description | Label |
| | | R | Patient contacts or the Preferred Health Professional to contact in case of emergency. | (IPS...cts) |
where [hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] |
| |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-154 | Patient’s Address Book | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 | hl7ips-dataelement-163 | Preferred Healthcare providers | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |
 | @typeCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | IND |
| Example | <participant typeCode="IND"> <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/> <associatedEntity classCode="NOK"> <addr> <streetAddressLine>Promenade des Anglais 111</streetAddressLine> <city>Lyon</city> <postalCode>69001</postalCode> <country>FR</country> </addr> <telecom value="tel:(+33)555-20036" use="WP"/> <associatedPerson> <name> <given>Martha</given> <family>Mum</family> </name> </associatedPerson> </associatedEntity></participant> |
 | hl7:templateId
| II | 1 … 1 | M | | (IPS...cts) |
 |  | @root
| uid | 1 … 1 | F | 2.16.840.1.113883. |
 | hl7:functionCode
| | 0 … 1 | C | The <functionCode> element may be used to indicate that this participant is the preferred Health Professional to contact in case of emergency.</functionCode> | (IPS...cts) |
 |  | @code
| CONF | 0 … 1 | F | PCP |
 |  | @codeSystem
| 0 … 1 | F | 2.16.840.1.113883.5.88 (Participation Function) |
 | hl7:associatedEntity
| | | R | The <associatedEntity> element identifies the type of contact. </associatedEntity> | (IPS...cts) |
 |  | @classCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | R | |
| CONF | The value of @classCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883. INDRoleclassCodes (DYNAMIC) |
| Example | <associatedEntity classCode="ECON"> <addr> <streetAddressLine>Karl Strasse</streetAddressLine> <city>Freiberg</city> <postalCode>09599</postalCode> <country>DE</country> </addr> <telecom value="tel:+49-761-11110000" use="WP"/> <associatedPerson> <name> <given>Arzt</given> <family>Guter</family> </name> </associatedPerson></associatedEntity> |
 |  | hl7:code
| CV.IPS | 0 … 1 | R | This element indicates the relationship between the patient and this participant. | (IPS...cts) |
| CONF | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.54 IPS Personal Relationship (DYNAMIC) | or | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.53 IPS Healthcare Professional Roles (DYNAMIC) |
| Example | <code code="AUNT" displayName="θεία" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.111"/> |
 |  | hl7:addr
| AD.IPS | 1 … * | R | Patient Contact's / Preferred HP's Address | (IPS...cts) |
| Schematron assert | role | error | |
| test | @nullFlavor or hl7:* | |
| Message | If addr is not nullflavored at least one sub element has to be provided | |
Included | | | from 2.16.840.1.113883.10.22.11 IPS Address (DYNAMIC) |
| set_cs | 0 … 1 | | |
| CONF | The value of @use shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10637 PostalAddressUse (2005‑05‑01) |
| cs | 0 … 1 | F | NI |
| Constraint | SHALL NOT have mixed content except for white space If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and no address parts shall be present, otherwise there shall be no nullFlavor attribute, and at least one of the address parts listed below shall be present. |
| Schematron assert | role | error | |
| test | @nullFlavor or hl7:* | |
| Message | If addr is not nullflavored at least one sub element has to be provided | |
| ADXP | 0 … * | C | Subject's or Organization's Street Address Line | (IPS...cts) |
| Schematron assert | role | error | |
| test | hl7:streetAddressLine and (hl7:city or hl7:postalCode) | |
| Message | If the address line is included either the city or the zip code has to be provided | |
| ADXP | 0 … 1 | C | Subject's or Organization's City | (IPS...cts) |
| ADXP | 0 … 1 | C | Subject's or Organization's Postal Code | (IPS...cts) |
| ADXP | 0 … 1 | C | Subject's or Organization's State or Province | (IPS...cts) |
| ADXP | 0 … 1 | C | Subject's Country. | (IPS...cts) |
| Constraint | The content of this element SHALL be selected EITHER from ValueSet ISO Country Alpha-2 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20300 DYNAMIC OR MAY be selected from ISO Country Alpha-3 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.171 DYNAMIC, IF the country is not specified in ValueSet ISO Country Alpha-2 urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20300. |
 |  | hl7:telecom
| TEL | 1 … * | R | Patient Contact's / Preferred HP's/Legal Organization telephone or e-mail <telecom> element is required.</telecom> | (IPS...cts) |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-174 | Telecoms | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 | hl7ips-dataelement-169 | Telecoms | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |
| set_cs | 0 … 1 | | |
| CONF | The value of @use shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.201 TelecommunicationAddressUse (DYNAMIC) |
| cs | 0 … 1 | F | NI |
| Constraint | If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present
| Example | <telecom use="WP" value="tel:+45 20 7025 6161"/><telecom use="HP" value=""/> |
Choice | 1 … 2 | | Elements to choose from:- hl7:associatedPerson
- hl7:scopingOrganization
| | 0 … 1 | C | Or the associatedPerson, or the scopingOrganization, or both elements shall be provided | (IPS...cts) |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-165 | Healthcare Provider (person) | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |
| PN | 1 … * | R | Patient Contact's Name / Preferred HP's Name | (IPS...cts) |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-121 | Name | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |
| Example | <name> <given>John</given> <family>Español Smith</family></name> |
| | 1 … * | R | Patient Contact's Family Name/Surname / Preferred HP's Family Name/Surname | (IPS...cts) |
| | 1 … * | R | Patient Contact's Given Name / Preferred HP's Given Name | (IPS...cts) |
| | 0 … 1 | C | Or the associatedPerson, or the scopingOrganization, or both elements shall be provided | (IPS...cts) |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-166 | Healthcare Provider (organisation) | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |
| ON | 1 … * | R | Organization's Name | (IPS...cts) |
|  | hl7ips-dataelement-172 | Organisation’s Name | CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 |