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This terminology is a snapshot as of . Terminologies may evolve over time. If you need recent (dynamic) versions of this terminology, please retrieve it from the source.
Id2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.33Effective Date2024‑08‑02 10:12:19
Canonical URIhttp://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/ValueSet/medicine-route-of-administration
StatusKyellow.png DraftVersion Label
NameIPSRouteOfAdminDisplay NameIPS Medicine Route of Administration

EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare) Route of Administration codes. This Value Set includes all the EDQM Standard Terms having:
[Concept Status] = ‘Current’ AND
[Concept Class] = ‘ROA’ AND
[Domain] = ‘Human and Veterinary’

ROA = ‘Route of administration’

Usage: 2
hl7ips-entry-template-4IPS Medication Statement (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-entry-template-4IPS Medication Statement (2021) DYNAMIC
A valid code from the code system:
Code System NameCode System Id
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavor OTH (other) suggests text in originalText. HL7 V3: NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.