
From HL7 IPS
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This terminology is a snapshot as of . Terminologies may evolve over time. If you need recent (dynamic) versions of this terminology, please retrieve it from the source.
Effective Date2014‑03‑26
StatusKgreen.png FinalVersion LabelDEFN=UV=VO=1360-20160323
Namex_ActRelationshipEntryDisplay Namex_ActRelationshipEntry

History description 2014-03-26: Lock all vaue sets untouched since 2014-03-26 to trackingId 2014T1_2014_03_26


Used to enumerate the relationships between a CDA section and its contained entries.

Usage: 32
hl7ips-section-template-6IPS Medical Devices Section (2021) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-6IPS Medical Devices Section (2021) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-14IPS Results Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-8IPS Functional Status Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-6IPS Medical Devices Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-3IPS Problems Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-4IPS History of Procedures Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-12IPS Advance Directives Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-5IPS Immunizations Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-1IPS Medication Summary Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-2IPS Allergies and Intolerances Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-16IPS Vital Signs Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-11IPS History of Pregnancy Section (STU1) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-10IPS Social History Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-9IPS Plan of Care Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-9IPS Plan of Care Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-9IPS Plan of Care Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-9IPS Plan of Care Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
hl7ips-section-template-9IPS Plan of Care Section (TI-2020) DYNAMIC
Source Code System
2.16.840.1.113883.5.1002 - Act Relationship Type - FHIR: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActRelationshipType
Level/ TypeCodeDisplay NameCode System
has component
Act Relationship Type
is derived from
Act Relationship Type

Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavor OTH (other) suggests text in originalText. HL7 V3: NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.