Difference between revisions of "Benutzer:ADbot/log"

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m (update log entry)
m (update log entry)
(59 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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=2019-09-08 19:36:53=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2019-03-23 10:35:48=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2019-03-23 09:46:14=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2019-03-17 18:55:41=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompleted (Value Set)]]
=2019-03-17 18:41:09=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompleted (Value Set)]]
*[[UVSubstitutionEventSupply (Template)]]
*[[UVMedicationadministration (Template)]]
*[[UVSubstitutionEventAdministration (Template)]]
*[[UVMedicationDispense (Template)]]
=2019-01-16 17:21:02=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2019-01-16 16:24:24=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2018-09-06 08:36:26=
List of changed objects for ips:
* +++ page update failure 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.13.11.26/static-2017-05-03T115324
=2018-08-23 08:48:13=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2018-07-25 09:55:58=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2018-07-25 09:30:53=
List of changed objects for ips:
* +++ page update failure 2.16.840.1.113883.
*[[IPSRadTextualObs (Value Set)]]
=2018-07-02 11:00:55=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[TelecommunicationAddressUse (Value Set)]]
*[[x_ActRelationshipDocument (Value Set)]]
*[[MoodCodeEvnInt (Value Set)]]
*[[ActSubstanceAdministrationImmunizationCode (Value Set)]]
*[[INDRoleclassCodes (Value Set)]]
*[[TimingEvent (Value Set)]]
*[[x_ServiceEventPerformer (Value Set)]]
*[[AdministrativeGender (Value Set)]]
*[[SocialHistoryType (Value Set)]]
*[[x_ActRelationshipEntry (Value Set)]]
*[[SeverityObservationCode (Value Set)]]
*[[x_ActStatusActiveComplete (Value Set)]]
*[[x_BasicConfidentialityKind (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[PersonalRelationshipRoleType (Value Set)]]
*[[HL7BasicConfidentialityKind (Value Set)]]
=2018-07-02 10:50:52=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSMedicationStatement (Template)]]
*[[IPSAddress (Template)]]
=2018-03-29 21:38:57=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-29 19:22:55=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-29 19:11:39=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2018-03-27 20:00:49=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ips-laboratory-tests-and-panels (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoDevicesInfos (Value Set)]]
*[[ObservationSubCategories (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergyVerificationStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergyOrIntoleranceConditions (Value Set)]]
*[[Allergyintolerancesubstancecondition (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
*[[epSOSCDAOrganization (Template)]]
*[[epSOSCDAauthor (Template)]]
*[[IPSCertaintyObservationAllergy (Template)]]
=2018-03-26 17:43:31=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 17:31:34=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[Unknownorabsentmedication (Value Set)]]
*[[MoodCodeEvnIntRqo (Value Set)]]
*[[UVCommentactivity (Template)]]
=2018-03-26 13:45:15=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[CDAClinicalStatement (Template)]]
*[[CDAAct (Template)]]
*[[CDAEncounter (Template)]]
*[[CDAPlayingEntity (Template)]]
*[[CDAObservation (Template)]]
*[[CDAObservationMedia (Template)]]
*[[CDAOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[CDAProcedure (Template)]]
*[[CDARegionOfInterest (Template)]]
*[[CDASubstanceAdministration (Template)]]
*[[CDASupply (Template)]]
*[[UVSubstanceadministrationrequest (Template)]]
=2018-03-26 13:39:17=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:46:46=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:43:32=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:40:59=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:37:43=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:35:37=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:29:38=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:28:20=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:26:18=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:21:30=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:19:33=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:17:35=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
=2018-03-26 12:01:28=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[UVMedicationstatement (Template)]]
=2018-03-25 09:34:26=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[SubstanceAdministrationCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-12-17 18:04:45=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-12-17 13:29:26=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ObservationInterpretation (Value Set)]]
*[[MedicationTimeUnits (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
*[[UVsubstanceadministrationevent (Template)]]
*[[CDALabeledDrug (Template)]]
*[[CDASubjectBody (Template)]]
*[[CDAMaterial (Template)]]
*[[CDAParticipantBody (Template)]]
*[[CDAManufacturedProduct (Template)]]
*[[CDASpecimen (Template)]]
*[[UVMedicationInformationsimple (Template)]]
*[[UVDispenseRequest (Template)]]
*[[UVMedicationInformationdetail (Template)]]
*[[UVClinicalStatementMinimalObservation (Template)]]
*[[CDAReference (Template)]]
*[[Useperiod (Template)]]
*[[CommentActivity (Template)]]
*[[CDAExternalAct (Template)]]
*[[UVMedicationOrderReference (Template)]]
*[[CDAExternalObservation (Template)]]
*[[UVDispenseEventReference (Template)]]
*[[CDAExternalProcedure (Template)]]
*[[IndicationV2 (Template)]]
*[[CDAExternalDocument (Template)]]
*[[CDAPrecondition (Template)]]
* +++ page update failure UVSubstitutionEvent (Template)
*[[Indication (Template)]]
*[[UVSubordinateadministration (Template)]]
*[[UVsubstanceadministrationrequest (Template)]]
*[[UVClinicalStatementMinimalEncounter (Template)]]
*[[Normaldosing (Template)]]
*[[UVSubstitutionPermission (Template)]]
=2017-12-17 12:53:29=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-12-17 09:43:11=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-12-15 22:11:04=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-12-15 21:57:25=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-12-15 10:49:50=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[IPSNoMedsInfo (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSLanguageCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSDoseForm (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSRadResultsCodedValues (Value Set)]]
*[[topographicalModifierQualifier (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSMultiingredientsproduct (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSRadResultsObservation (Value Set)]]
*[[nlmcoreproblemlist (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSABO_RHGroup (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSMedicineStrengthDenominator (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergyStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSLabResultsObservation (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoProbsInfos (Value Set)]]
*[[allergyOrIntollerance_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPregnanciesSummary (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSConditionVerificationStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusActiveCompleted (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSReactionAgent (Value Set)]]
*[[IPS_SpecimenType (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergyReaction (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoProceduresInfos (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPackage (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusActiveCompletedAbortedCancelled (Value Set)]]
*[[DRUGActCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSRouteOfAdmin (Value Set)]]
*[[allergy-intolerance-criticality (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPathResultsCodedValues (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSVaccines (Value Set)]]
*[[nlmcoreproblemlistprocedures (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPersonalRelationship (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSLabResultsBloodGroup (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSStrengthNumerator (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoDrugSubstances (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSResultsObservation (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSProblemType (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergyIntoleranceType  (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSExpectedDeliveryDateMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[WHOATC (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSAllergiesToSubstances (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSConditionStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSProcedures (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSResultsMicroorganism (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSHealthcareProfessionalRoles (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPathResultsObservation (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSTimeUnits (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSTargetSiteCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSResultsPresence_Absence (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSActiveSubstances (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSLabResultsCodedValues (Value Set)]]
*[[lateralityQualifierCode (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoImmunizationInfo (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSProblemSeverity (Value Set)]]
*[[nlmcoreproblemlistdisorders (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSNoAllergiesInfo (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSResultsOrganizer (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSQuantityUnits (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSCurrentSmokingStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSMedicalDevices (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSResultsSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSPregnancyExpectedDeliveryDateObservation  (Template)]]
*[[IPSHistoryofpregnancysection (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAauthor (Template)]]
*[[IPSSocialHistoryObsTobaccoUse (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAcustodian (Template)]]
*[[IPSAdvanceDirectivesSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSHistoryOfPastIllnessSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSProcedureEntry (Template)]]
*[[IPSImmunization (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAlegalAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[IPSResultOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[IPSCriticalityObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSImmunizationMedicationInformation (Template)]]
*[[EntrySeverity (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDADevice (Template)]]
*[[IPSProblemList (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAPerson (Template)]]
*[[CDAPerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[IPSMedicationEntry (Template)]]
*[[IPSCertaintyObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSAllergyStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSAllergyAndIntoleranceConcern (Template)]]
*[[CDADevice (Template)]]
*[[IPSEntryComment (Template)]]
*[[CDARelatedEntity (Template)]]
*[[IPSPathologyResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSMedicalDevicesSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSObservationMedia (Template)]]
*[[IPSRadiologyResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSTranslationSection (Template)]]
*[[CDAAuthorBody (Template)]]
*[[IPSAdverseReactionMFST (Template)]]
*[[IPSEntryAllergyOrIntolerance (Template)]]
*[[IPSResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAOrganization (Template)]]
*[[IPSLaboratoryResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSManufacturedProduct (Template)]]
*[[CDAOrganization (Template)]]
*[[CDAinformantBody (Template)]]
*[[IPSHistoryofProceduresSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSMedMaterial (Template)]]
*[[HL7-IPS (Template)]]
*[[IPSFunctionalStatusSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDAContacts (Template)]]
*[[IPSProblemConcernEntry (Template)]]
*[[IPSMedicalDevice (Template)]]
*[[IPSProblemStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[CDAPerson (Template)]]
*[[IPSPlanofCareSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSdocumentationOfPCPR (Template)]]
*[[IPSProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[CDAAssignedEntity (Template)]]
*[[IPSBodyAuthor (Template)]]
*[[IPSEntryProblemStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDArelatedDocument (Template)]]
*[[IPSEntryInternalReference (Template)]]
*[[IPSMedicationSummarySection (Template)]]
*[[IPSPregnancyStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSImmunizationsSection (Template)]]
*[[IPSSocialHistoryObsAlcoholUse (Template)]]
*[[IPSSubordinateSubstanceAdministration (Template)]]
*[[IPSCommentActivity (Template)]]
*[[IPSSectionAllergiesOrIntolerances (Template)]]
*[[IPSPregnancyOutcomeObservation (Template)]]
*[[IPSSocialHistorySection (Template)]]
*[[IPSCDArecordTarget (Template)]]
*[[IPSSpecimenCollection (Template)]]
=2017-07-30 13:20:35=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-29 21:53:27=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-29 17:41:32=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-29 17:10:38=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-29 16:56:07=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-29 12:41:30=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-29 12:33:37=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 23:01:59=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 22:56:11=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 22:54:29=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 15:28:29=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 15:14:42=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-28 15:11:16=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-07-28 14:17:03=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-27 21:07:20=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
*[[IPSPersonalRelationship (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-27 17:30:29=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-27 17:23:58=
List of changed objects for ips:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-27 17:16:26=
List of changed objects for pharmcda:
*[[ActStatusCodeActiveCompletedAbortedSuspended (Value Set)]]
=2017-07-24 16:46:19=
List of changed objects for ips:
=2017-07-24 16:42:12=
=2017-07-24 16:42:12=
List of changed objects for ips:
List of changed objects for ips:

Latest revision as of 19:39, 8 September 2019


2019-09-08 19:36:53

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-03-23 10:35:48

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-03-23 09:46:14

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-03-17 18:55:41

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-03-17 18:41:09

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-01-16 17:21:02

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2019-01-16 16:24:24

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-09-06 08:36:26

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-08-23 08:48:13

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-07-25 09:55:58

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-07-25 09:30:53

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-07-02 11:00:55

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-07-02 10:50:52

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-03-29 21:38:57

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-29 19:22:55

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-29 19:11:39

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-27 20:00:49

List of changed objects for ips:

2018-03-26 17:43:31

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 17:31:34

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 13:45:15

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 13:39:17

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:46:46

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:43:32

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:40:59

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:37:43

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:35:37

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:29:38

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:28:20

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:26:18

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:21:30

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:19:33

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:17:35

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-26 12:01:28

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2018-03-25 09:34:26

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-12-17 18:04:45

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-12-17 13:29:26

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-12-17 12:53:29

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-12-17 09:43:11

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-12-15 22:11:04

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-12-15 21:57:25

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-12-15 10:49:50

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-30 13:20:35

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-29 21:53:27

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-29 17:41:32

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-29 17:10:38

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-29 16:56:07

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-29 12:41:30

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-29 12:33:37

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 23:01:59

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 22:56:11

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 22:54:29

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 15:28:29

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 15:14:42

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 15:11:16

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-28 14:17:03

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-27 21:07:20

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-27 17:30:29

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-27 17:23:58

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-27 17:16:26

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-24 16:46:19

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 16:42:12

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 16:36:34

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 16:30:24

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 16:21:27

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 16:12:54

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 15:40:32

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 15:12:18

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 15:03:59

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-24 15:02:08

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-22 19:38:00

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-22 19:21:58

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 19:14:09

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 19:08:35

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 19:01:42

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:45:02

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:41:32

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:37:25

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:34:47

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:33:48

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:32:59

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:24:42

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:18:40

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 17:10:16

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-22 15:59:39

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-07-17 19:57:52

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-14 22:46:39

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-14 20:34:49

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-14 20:28:41

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-14 19:14:48

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-07 16:05:08

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-06 21:05:47

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-06 20:37:19

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-06 20:30:50

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-07-06 15:06:31

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-06-28 22:47:37

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-06-07 09:53:36

List of changed objects for pharmcda:

2017-04-11 10:09:03

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-10 22:35:22

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-05 12:21:47

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-05 12:18:31

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-05 12:13:41

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-05 11:51:24

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-04-05 11:47:42

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:54:44

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:48:59

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:42:30

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:36:24

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:31:48

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:18:37

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:09:27

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-31 21:05:47

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-30 15:31:32

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-30 15:27:38

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-30 15:23:03

List of changed objects for ips:

2017-03-30 14:51:32

List of changed objects for ips: